Birth, Death + Entertainment, 2024, is an experimental hybrid digital-analogue short film. The work is an audiovisual collage with an original score, incorporating recorded and found footage, altered super 8 film, still images, and digital manipulations. Thematically, the short film explores the intersectionality of a mixed, queer, and neurodivergent identity and its subsequent correlations to existential confusion. It also examines the abstract nature of the relationship between body and place, as well as the cognitive dissonance within these themes in relation to our sense of self and reality.
The work was created by process of hand developing and editing super 8 film, layering in edited found footage, then digitally scanning it and further disrupting the visuals with digital manipulations and footage. It seeks to embody the explored themes pertaining to identity, body, mind, and place by means of expression through the materiality of the film. The hand editing process experimented with creating visual textures in the film with physical objects, including flowers and bug wings, while the added digital layers seeks to add texture through the merging analogue noise with pixel distortion.